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Welcome to the online edition of the “European Business Review (EBR)”, where journalists and distinguished guest-writers express their views and opinions on European affairs and Business issues with in-depth articles, analyses and commentaries.
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A repeat of the battle between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump is emerging. It will be a defeat for American politics.

US presidential elections 2024 : a repeat of the 2020 battle?

In less than a year, on Tuesday November 5, Americans will go to the polling stations for the presidential election

The implications of Europe’s digital laggardness are still unclear, although there seems little ground for optimism. But it may be that AI will be so transformative that who owns it matters less than who uses it to greatest advantage. The second part of this article will address the factors involved.

Europe’s AI weakness has a long history of missed opportunities

The more AI (artificial intelligence) makes headlines, the clearer it is that Europe has failed disastrously to keep up in the global race for digital technologies

Yet if Brussels is going to open accession negotiations with Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and grant Georgia the status of a candidate country, the EU in its current form is unprepared. It cannot defend itself. And it is ambiguous about defending the rule of law in its member states.

Before Enlarging, the EU Must Cement Democracy at Home

Admitting countries from Eastern Europe and the Balkans would complete the European project

The European Parliament last week finalised its negotiating stance on ‘Euro 7’, a regulation aimed at tightening vehicle pollution limits

Euro 7: The winner takes it all

The European Parliament last week finalised its negotiating stance on ‘Euro 7’, a regulation aimed at tightening vehicle pollution limits

Speaking from Taipei, Wu said, “It is hard for most to understand the decision making within China but the current threat is real.”

Taiwan readies for war but hopes for peace

Taiwan’s foreign minister says the island is gearing up for what he calls a “real threat” from China

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N. Peter Kramer, Contributing Editor
Christos Trikoukis, Publisher