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But for all of Trump’s bombast, and the worldwide awareness of it, people all over the globe are still scratching their heads.

Decision 2024: Why Does Trump Get Away With So Many Lies?

What does it say about the state of civics in the United States if a former U.S. President, and possible future one, has no compunction to lie ever more grotesquely?

Despite the differences between Russia and America there is one thing the two countries have in common - they have always had male presidents.

Moscow had high hopes for Trump in 2016. It’s more cautious this time

By: EBR | Monday, October 21, 2024

Piece of advice for you - never buy a huge amount of champagne unless you’re absolutely certain it’s worth celebrating

EU member states need to urgently recalibrate their approach toward Iran based on established European interests.

EU-Iran: Time to Revisit Assumptions and Strategize

By: EBR | Friday, October 18, 2024

For too long, the EU focused on Iran’s nuclear program while mostly ignoring its malign regional activities and missile program

By the time the vessel reaches Europe, the fraudulent deal is complete and the money has already vanished into overseas accounts.

Unveiling the hidden threat of trade-based financial crime

By: EBR | Friday, October 18, 2024

Trade-based financial crime is a significant global threat, costing the economy an estimated $1.6 trillion annually

Diplomats and policymakers in Brussels and Washington fault one person: Kurti. The combative prime minister has taken a great deal of criticism for clamping down on parallel institutions operating in Serb-populated northern Kosovo.

Don’t Drop the Ball on Kosovo

By: EBR | Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The promise of EU membership was once the silver bullet for resolving all territorial and security issues in the Balkans

With the proposed electricity market design, there is a real risk that a new public funding program, intended to back up a power system dominated by renewables, becomes a lifeline for the gas industry.

Needed: An Electricity Market Design to Meet Germany’s Climate Goals

By: EBR | Wednesday, September 4, 2024

With the rise of renewables, electricity markets are fundamentally changing


To reconfigure the EU’s place in the world, the key may lie in leveraging its power as a democratic system of economic governance.

An Obituary for EU Foreign Policy

By: EBR | Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The precise date of the death of EU foreign policy is uncertain

The perceived strengths and weaknesses of top-level women decision-makers have long sparked debates about their rise and eventual fall.

Are Most Women Predisposed to Lead More Ethically?

By: EBR | Monday, August 26, 2024

Women have become increasingly visible in leadership positions in business, academia, civil society and politics, as demonstrated by the rising number of countries with female heads of government

When Joe Biden bowed out of the U.S. presidential race there was a palpable relief in most European capitals.

Is Europe Ready for a New Transatlantic Era?

By: EBR | Tuesday, July 23, 2024

This should be Europe’s chance

It is thus that the economy’s secure progression will be facilitated.

2024-2026: Landmark years for the Greek and Global Economy

By: EBR | Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The economic slowdown in both the US and China, as projected by UBS, is expected to decrease the global growth rate by 0.5% for the year 2024

The new editorial series by Antonis Zairis named "Retailing Years: The day after (2024- 2026)"  describes the different dimensions and transitions of the retail sector

Retailing Years: The day after (2024- 2026)

By: EBR | Tuesday, July 9, 2024

An editorial series by Antonis Zairis named "Retailing Years: The day after (2024- 2026)"

Choosing to speak out on contentious issues also impacts one’s public image and can reduce a celebrity’s chances of endorsement deals and career opportunities. As U.S. basketball legend Michael Jordan once said: “Republicans buy sneakers, too.”

The Double-Edged Sword of Celebrity Activism

By: EBR | Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Celebrities face mounting pressure to speak out on social and political issues

At a strategic level, no one can deny Africa’s towering importance and the short-sightedness of European policies there. Its mineral resources and agricultural potential are vast, and in manpower terms it is already beginning to dwarf China and India.

Why Europe is losing Africa to Moscow and Beijing

By: EBR | Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Europe is retreating from Africa in what seems likely to be the greatest shift of all in the 21st century’s new era of tectonic geo-political change

Of all the election results, Germany is probably the most worrying. For the first time in the European Parliament’s history, politicians with the most extreme right-wing views, harking back to the 1930s, will sit in the very Chamber that was designed precisely to avoid the resurgence of a right-wing ideology.

A sad reflection that the Social Contract in Europe might be broken, or in urgent need of repair and renewal

By: EBR | Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The atmosphere and tone of the European Union will change, and will be charged by a political battlefield on its values and principles

This new type of entrepreneurship does not see profit as an end in itself, it focuses on the big picture and acts as a deterrent as it is impossible in the future to have prosperous businesses on the one hand and suffering societies on the other.

The new type of smart, sustainable entrepreneurship and the next day

By: EBR | Monday, May 27, 2024

Both retail and industry go hand in hand with the new type of smart entrepreneurship as they are at the level of rapid developments and changes spearheaded by the new circular economy and sustainable development

And the Greek retail sector, an important factor in the production of added value, is in a "fighting position" to exploit opportunities, to take on healthy competition, to implement investment projects and to create new jobs.

Greek trade a pillar of dynamic economic growth

By: EBR | Friday, May 24, 2024

Within the European Union, retail trade is among the most important ecosystems that contribute to the growth of the European economy, while in Greece the dynamics of trade as a whole

As for the new generation of consumers, they behave differently from their parents or grandparents, they are not car-dependent, they care about the environment, they want to consume more responsibly and they share their lives on social media networks.

Retail sector trends for the next years

By: EBR | Monday, May 13, 2024

With the effects of climate change and geopolitical turmoil dominating the headlines in 2023, trying to make sense of how the retail industry will be affected in 2024

Strategic partnerships—defined here as relatively loose cooperation frameworks with important regional or global players—are critical. These actors’ comprehensive engagement with the EU in a multilateral context can generate positive outcomes for tackling multifaceted global challenges.

Rethinking the EU’s Strategic Partnerships in Times of Crisis

By: EBR | Thursday, May 9, 2024

Amid the complex and rapidly evolving challenges in global security, the EU is faced with the need to find innovative solutions through collaboration with key global players within a multilateral framework

With the specter of a return of Trump to the White House, the conversation on European defense has moved from “whether” to “how.”

Will Macron’s Vision for European Defense Gain Traction?

By: EBR | Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Amid Russia’s aggression and uncertainty around U.S. leadership, Macron is right to call for Europe’s self-reliance in defense

It is a strategically important technology in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, aimed at improving the competitiveness of businesses and bringing innovative features to the services offered.

New dynamic economic model with a digital footprint

By: EBR | Thursday, April 25, 2024

It is a fact that a new dynamic economic model is now beginning to emerge in entrepreneurship in the framework of the 4th industrial revolution and the digital challenges of our time

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Commission’s new budget plan angers European Parliament

N. Peter KramerBy: N. Peter Kramer

A European Commission draft proposal to reform the next EU’s seven-year €1,2 trillion budget has already generated controversy

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Meloni’s no-show at Berlin summit raises concerns over Italy’s global role

Meloni’s no-show at Berlin summit raises concerns over Italy’s global role

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will miss Friday’s high-level meeting in Berlin


Family businesses might come to dominate the business world

Family businesses might come to dominate the business world

In the ever-evolving economic landscape, family businesses may often be seen as standing as unassuming beacons of resilience and endurance


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