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The SuperClan Series: Lessons from Global Business Families

The SuperClan Series celebrates models of successful global family businesses

The SuperClan Series celebrates models of successful global family businesses: the articles included span across families from various regions and continents and look into the rich experience and models family businesses bring to the international arena in terms of success, resilience and managing crises.

The family business works. Contrary to a fairly widespread popular perception of family business as economically marginal, over 50% of U.S. GDP comes from family businesses.

Family businesses might come to dominate the business world

In the ever-evolving economic landscape, family businesses may often be seen as standing as unassuming beacons of resilience and endurance

"Luckily enough, from the 2000s forwards, most economies in the Central and East European regions have developed far more heterogeneous business environments. Specifically, a new crop of export-oriented business emerged, in no small part helped by integration into the global supply chains that re-polarised across the world."

A Look at CEE current and future Superclans: how does Old Money and New Money coexist in Central and Eastern Europe?

The history of capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe differs markedly due to the rupture created by the communist period

"The report proposes an x-ray of large family businesses in each of the relevant countries in Central and Eastern Europe, including Romania".

Smartlink announces the report on large family businesses in emerging markets, in the context of major economic disruptions

On the occasion of its tenth anniversary of activity on the Romanian consulting market, Smartlink Communications launches today the report “Large family businesses in emerging markets: models and opportunities for the Romanian family business in times of crisis”

"It is clear an IPO is a difficult, potentially winding, process that should be given deep thought. The rewards can be tremendous – an unrivalled pool of equity capital that can set the company apart in its own league when compared to competitors."

Preparing for an IPO as a Superclan

Many family businesses do very well as private entities

While ‘the Hindu rate of growth’ may have made for the odd op-ed, simple extrapolation from Maddison’s dataset on historical GDP figures show the Indian subcontinent to have had fairly similar GDP figures to China for most of modern human history.

India’s path and the fundamental role if its superfamilies

That India would grow was a fact to all but the most pessimistic


"With that dynamic in motion, the optimal response for South America’s and Africa’s emerging superclans is straightforward: surf the wave of growth to the best of one’s ability, park most assets offshore – and take a plane out before it crashes."

Defining The New Global South Superclans

By: EBR | Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The fight or flight response is one of our most basic. Occurring primarily in the amygdala, it is well below the threshold of conscious rationalisation

"The winner in the tug of war seems to be primarily decided by a group of rising middle powers whose development is marked by one system or another and whose weight enables them to set the tone for their own region, be it Russia, Iran and Turkey in Central Asia, Brazil in South America, or Indonesia in South-East Asia."

Indonesian Super Clans: Asia’s Swing Families

By: EBR | Monday, March 8, 2021

Naturally, if not evenly, the global tug of war between China and the United States is taking shape all around us – at summits, in technology, in vaccine purchases

"Pakistan finds itself in a similar position as did South Korea in the 1950s. While included in Goldman Sachs’ Next 11, meaning the next countries to keep an eye on after the BRICs, investors seem too often to consider this as saying more about the coining of terms than economic potential."

A model for Pakistan’s elites and superfamilies

By: EBR | Monday, March 1, 2021

In the early 1950s, development economists were left wondering as to whether there is any hope for an Asian country receiving generous foreign aid

"The Third Generation of China’s elite families will be shaped by this and will see their fortunes rise or fall in accordance to how well they are adapted to this very different environment."

China’s Superclans: The Third Generation

By: EBR | Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Wealth never survives three generations, unless you’re in China. The Chinese Economic Miracle over the past 70 years has in effect been the world’s largest continuous endogenous wealth creation event in history

"Now, European business is repeating the recipe of success from its past, most pro-activity. Significant investment in R&D, green development and digitalisation are the key words in Brussels and boardrooms alike. But without another wave of globalisation, they may amount to little more than active inertia."

The Fourth Globalisation and EU business families

By: EBR | Thursday, February 18, 2021

The often-unsaid truth of European business is that it is shockingly concentrated in a relatively small number of families. Part of that is by design

Crisis communication is only one side of the coin – the mitigation part. Sometimes, when you need to effect change through communication, developing a capability to speak “society” is required, and not all businesses are prepared to speak beyond marketing and balance sheets.

Superclans amid covid19 crises: acting swiftly, strategically, seriously

By: EBR | Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A global pandemic demands a global response, and in an almost leaderless world, the void must be filled by informal, global and national, leaders. Superclans, namely global successful families, can lead as we are facing a crisis of big proportions: a health disaster coupled with an economic one to follow

The world as we have known it for the past 50 years is falling apart. A new nationalism is on the rise, free trade is threatened and identified as the cause of the global predicament, while the resurgence of hard power cannot be discarded.  Consequently, taming the forces of the market is secondary in relation to putting the market in service of power. These are all macro-trends whose meaning and effects should be familiar to every family-owned conglomerate, to every CEO or family member groomed to be the next leader.

Superclans: Global Entrepreneurial Families and Investor Resilience

By: EBR | Thursday, February 7, 2019

We live in an age of disruption and, with every passing day, we receive confirmation that only those who smartly embrace change will be able to survive in an increasingly competitive business environment

EU Actually

Political crises in France and Germany weaken the EU

N. Peter KramerBy: N. Peter Kramer

While the EU is involved in a war with Russia and an economic showdown with China, France and Germany , the traditional axis of the EU engine, are in a deep political and economic crisis

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04/2021 2021

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EU’s three biggest islands

EU’s three biggest islands

The EU’s biggest islands, according to geography, are Ireland, with 84 thousand square kilometres, Sicily (25,000 sq. km), and Sardinia (24,000 sq. km)


Family businesses might come to dominate the business world

Family businesses might come to dominate the business world

In the ever-evolving economic landscape, family businesses may often be seen as standing as unassuming beacons of resilience and endurance


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