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US Elections November 3, 2020

"The 2020 US presidential election has been different than any other in history"

National polls cannot predict the Electoral College outcome. But generally, the larger the national lead, the more likely is that the candidate can assemble enough states for an Electoral College majority. Beyond that, a national poll gives clues to the broader environment. The latest WSJ/NBC survey suggests that the 2020 election will have a large gender gap, with women favouring Biden and men Trump

The America public has behaved more rationally and exhibited its will through the ballot box. The largest voter turnout in decades shows their democratic engagement.

Joe Biden’s ‘Time to Heal’

Joe Biden sent an encouraging message Saturday night in declaring ‘a time to heal’, as he claimed his victory in the race for the White House

"The tight race reminds us that democracy can be surprising!"

Mainstream media and pollsters are already the losers

A surge of unexpected votes for Donald Trump has confounded the forecasters, again

"A state will award their votes in the Electoral College to whoever wins the most votes in the state, and a candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win the presidency."

US Presidential Election explainer: What to watch out for as the results roll in

The 2020 US presidential election has been different than any other in history. Here is the rundown of key things to watch out for as the results roll in

"Many people who set their expectations of the 2016 outcome by looking at polls wre surprised by Trump’s win, as most surveys showed leads for Clinton, though often modest ones."

Will the polls get it right this time?

Former Vice-President Joe Biden holds a 10-point lead over President Trump in the final Wall Street Journal/NBC News national survey, while polls in many battleground states suggest that enough are in play to allow either candidate to build an Electoral College majority

"The former vice-president undermined his call for unity by launching a four-minute-long assault on President Tump’s handling of the coronavirus."

‘Not Trump’ is not enough to govern

Last week Joe Biden offered his closing argument with a speech at Warm Springs, Ga., the site of President Franklin Delano Roosevelts death on April 12, 1945


"It is a legacy that conservative America will reap the benefits of for decades to come. It is clear that President Trump needs some tailwind."

Joe Biden is not the only opponent of Trump

By: N. Peter Kramer | Thursday, October 29, 2020

Amy Coney Barret’s accession to the Supreme Court is a triumph for President Trump just before election day, November 3

EU Actually

The autocracy of the European Commission presidency

N. Peter KramerBy: N. Peter Kramer

Now Ursula von der Leyen has cemented her second term as President of the European Commission, it is up to her and nobody else to distribute the commissioner’s portfolios

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