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Welcome to the online edition of the “European Business Review (EBR)”, where journalists and distinguished guest-writers express their views and opinions on European affairs and Business issues with in-depth articles, analyses and commentaries.
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A public secret in Brussels, is that VDL fails to consult others when making decisions. May be the most unbelievable example is the dubious deal she made, without consulting the commission and the member-states, with Pfizer CEO Bourla.

VDL: Commission President and Candidate

A week ago, at a press conference, Commission President von der Leyen nixed talk about the next step for Ukraine’s membership of the EU before this June’s EU Parliamentary elections

So much so that the next European Parliament probably can’t be counted on to support some of the EU’s key ambitions. But disparaging populist policies as morally distasteful and unworkable clearly hasn’t worked, so it’s time to re-examine the reasons for their success and fashion a Europe-wide response to it.

Defeating populism: First, admit there are reasons for its success

There’s no denying that populist parties are popular with more and more voters

Although Macron clarified already on Monday, following a gathering of European leaders in Paris, that there was ‘no consensus’ on the matter, his words stood in stark contrast to the Western European ‘red line’ when it came to putting boots on the ground in Ukraine.

EU capitals pour cold water on Macron’s ‘Western troops in Ukraine’ remarks

Several EU capitals, including Berlin, Warsaw, and Madrid, dismissed remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron, who had suggested that a future deployment of Western troops in Ukraine should not be ultimately “ruled out”

A research note by the Lille-based IESEG School of Management found “statistical evidence that the EU sanctions are massively circumvented” for so-called “high priority items”, which are subject to EU export restrictions and include manufacturing equipment and electrical components with potential military applications.

EU sanctions on Russia ‘massively circumvented’ via third countries, study finds

EU sanctions on Russia are being “massively circumvented” via third countries, a study revealed

The speeches of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky—and the distance between them—reflected the general mood.

The Slippery Slope of Speculating on Ukraine

Compared to 2023, the atmosphere at this year’s Munich Security Conference was much more somber

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copyright 2024 EMG Strategic Consulting Ltd.

N. Peter Kramer, Contributing Editor
Christos Trikoukis, Publisher