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Welcome to the online edition of the “European Business Review (EBR)”, where journalists and distinguished guest-writers express their views and opinions on European affairs and Business issues with in-depth articles, analyses and commentaries.
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Von der Leyen has taken a different course at the last minute under pressure from farmers revolts all over the EU and the upcoming elections. The above-mentioned centre-left coalition was and is still furious about her move.

Ursula for President

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is on a re-election campaign tour along EU capitals

What all the above means is that Europe needs to strategically acknowledge how such premises no longer apply.

Europe’s Inability to Manage Instability

It has been a tumultuous few weeks inside the EU and beyond

Twenty days before the vote that could change the balance in the EU, Meloni outlined a “model” to be implemented in the next European legislature: uniting the right-wing parties in Europe.

Meloni seeks to unite Europe’s right parties, edges closer to Le Pen

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni reiterated her mission to unite Europe’s right-wing parties in an interview on Monday

Voters’ forecast shift to the hard right is set to upset if not reverse policies that have been central to the European project for decades.

Hard-right’s EP election wins may have a silver lining

Unless the opinion polls have got it very wrong, next month’s European elections will trigger a massively disruptive ‘Blame Game’ within the EU

The first that the UK will not be involved with. Yet in a way we will be involved because the outcome will shape our relations with each other.

EU elections: UK looks on from the “outside”

There is something fundamentally depressing about the forthcoming EU elections

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copyright 2024 EMG Strategic Consulting Ltd.

N. Peter Kramer, Contributing Editor
Christos Trikoukis, Publisher