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Welcome to the online edition of the “European Business Review (EBR)”, where journalists and distinguished guest-writers express their views and opinions on European affairs and Business issues with in-depth articles, analyses and commentaries.
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The very ambitious goals set by the European Commission have turned out to be just a pipe dream. For transport and heating, direct electrification is almost always preferable to green hydrogen.

Hydrogen is becoming less and less green

Green hydrogen held a double promise: it would be an easy solution to the climate problem that did not require major adoption and promised to make activities CO2-neutral

“Hosting the summit in Warsaw, unlike in Brussels, which is well-prepared for such events, essentially means bringing my home city to a standstill for a week and disrupting its normal functioning,” Szczerba insisted.

Bickering over EU presidency levels up in Poland

Bickering over Poland’s holding of the six-month EU Council Presidency continues as the opposition PiS party criticised the government’s decision to hold the informal EU leaders’ summit in Brussels instead of Warsaw

The fact that the hard-right FPO — the Austrian equivalent of Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National in France — has now gotten the nod from Austria’s very reluctant President to build a government coalition is a direct result of Austria‘s Social Democrats’ intransigence.

France and Austria: Ominous Political Parallels?

The coalition negotiations of the democratic center in Austria have failed, largely because of the intransigence of the country’s Social Democrats

Trudeau asked for parliament to be prorogued - or suspended - until 24 March to give time for the party to find a new leader.

Why the Trudeau era has come to an end now

For months now, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been asked variations of the same question: "Will you step down?"

With so many unknowns about the incoming Donald Trump administration in the United States, the future of Syria, and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and interference in Eastern Europe, the EU desperately needs a new kind of leadership in Berlin.

Can a New Chancellor Fix Germany?

When German voters go to the polls on February 23, they have a chance to reverse the weakening of their country’s economy and foreign policy brought about by the outgoing ruling coalition

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copyright 2025 EMG Strategic Consulting Ltd.

N. Peter Kramer, Contributing Editor
Christos Trikoukis, Publisher