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First Annual Eastern Mediterranean Energy Leadership Summit

The Transantlantic Leadership Network and the Master Program in Energy, Strategy, Law and Economics of the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus organized the 1st Annual EastMed Energy Leadership Summit, on October 1-2

By: EBR - Posted: Friday, October 4, 2019

The Eastmed Energy Leadership Summit has been an initiative aimed at promoting the strategic significance of the Eastern Mediterranean as an energy hub and an area of cooperation or confrontation. The Summit was attended by important politicians, energy experts and academic from US, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and other countries of the region who illuminated the various aspects of energy developments in the Eastmed area.
The Eastmed Energy Leadership Summit has been an initiative aimed at promoting the strategic significance of the Eastern Mediterranean as an energy hub and an area of cooperation or confrontation. The Summit was attended by important politicians, energy experts and academic from US, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and other countries of the region who illuminated the various aspects of energy developments in the Eastmed area.

The Transantlantic Leadership Network and the Master Program in Energy, Strategy, Law and Economics of the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus organized the 1st Annual EastMed Energy Leadership Summit, on October 1-2 at the “Athina” conference room at the Divani Apollon palace & Thalasso Hotel in Kavouri, with the support of the Tsomokos Conference Communications.

The Eastmed Energy Leadership Summit has been an initiative aimed at promoting the strategic significance of the Eastern Mediterranean as an energy hub and an area of cooperation or confrontation. The Summit was attended by important politicians, energy experts and academic from US, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and other countries of the region who illuminated the various aspects of energy developments in the Eastmed area.

After the opening remarks of Symeon Tsomokos (Chairman, SGT SA) Professor Angelos Kotios ( Rector University of Piraeus) and Sasha Toperich (Senior Executive Vice President, Transatlantic Leadership Network, USA), the first session included the speeches of Geoffrey Pyatt( US Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic), Joshua Volz ( Senior International Energy Officer, Bureau of Energy Resources, US Department of State ) Athanasios Platias ( Professor of Strategy, University of Piraeus, Greece) and Aylin Unver Noi (Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Leadership Network, Turkey) who outlined the US interests in investing in Greek and Cypriot energy resources as well as the difficulties for prosperous regional cooperation.

The next two sessions hosted the discussion of expert and legal issues on energy exploitation as well as the political cooperation among the states of the region. The session included experts such as Yannis Grigoriou (CEO, Hellenic Petroleum Upstream S.A.), Yannis Bassias (CEO, Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management S.A.), Nikolaos Farantouris (Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law, University of Piraeus & Chair, Legal Affairs, EUROGAS), Ioannis Desypris ( Director Regulatory Affairs, Mytilineos , Greece), Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris ( Professor of International Relations, Director, MSC in Energy: Strategy Law and Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece ), Dr. Petros Liacouras (Professor of International Law, University of Piraeus, Greece) and politicians such as Mirko Sarovic ( Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Vincent T. Trovato (Senior Advisor, Energy Innovation & Market Development, Office of International Affairs, US Department of Energy). The day ended with the Dinner in which the “Mediterranean Leadership Award” Ceremony was awarded to Rick Perry, U.S. Secretary of Energy. The Award was received on his behalf by Vincent T. Trovato.

The two sessions of the next day underscored the alternative scenarios for oil and gas exploitation and the specific opportunities for energy Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean through the proposed Eastmed gas pipeline. The session hosted the views of Prof. Yannis Maniatis ( f. Minister of Environment, Energy & Climate Change, Hellenic Republic), Dr. Ali Abu Sedra ( Law expert in Petrochemicals, Former Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Oil, Libya), Roudi Baroudi ( CEO, Energy & Environment Holding, Qatar), Alexandros Lagakos (Founder, Greek Energy Forum), Eirini Cheila (Professor of International Politics, Panteion University, Greece), Elias Eliades (Deputy Director of Investment Promotion & Facilitation, Enterprise Greece), Dr. Ioannis Kasoulides ( f. Foreign Minister of Cyprus, Chairman of the Scientific Council, EuroAsia Interconnector) Dr. Symeon Kassianides (Chairman, Natural Gas Public Company (DEFA), Cyprus) Ioannis Chomatas (Project Management Division Director, DESFA, Greece), Stefania Mosse (CEO & Vice President, DEDA, Greece) and Konstantina Botsiou (Ass. Professor of Political Science & Intl Relations, University of Peloponesse, Greece)
The Eastmed Energy Summit was concluded by the Prometheus Annual Energy Lecture by Georgios Lakkotrypis, Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry, Republic of Cyprus who discussed the new energy developments and cooperation initiatives of Cyprus in the region.


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