The Digital Agenda for Europe
The European Commission has just published its Digital Agenda, one of the seven flagship initiatives of the EU 2020 Strategy. The success of the Digital Agenda - namely creating a Digital Single Market - is linked to the political and economical success of the European Union.
The Digital Agenda is a valiant effort to acknowledge and address the role of ICT: in the current economic climate it is certainly the most promising sector to improve individually and collectively every European citizen’s life as the business environment. The Digital Agenda shows as well the enabling role ICT plays across all sectors of the economy.

10 principles, 5 years, 1 challenge: to achieve a European Digital Strategy that truly works for consumers
Major technological developments have significantly changed the way consumers live, shop, communicate, access employment offers, education, healthcare services, knowledge and information.

Cybersecurity - a key component in the new Digital Era
Safer internet and effective measures against cybercrime is a multinational issue that needs to be addressed through various channels involving multiple partners, from business, government and civil society, working actively together.

The Digital Agenda for Europe
The European Commission has just published its Digital Agenda, a key component of its EU 2020 Strategy. This highly political road map for the information society sector looks at delivering a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

What we need is a digital internal market!
European Commission Vice-President and Commissioner Neelie Kroes introduced the Digital Agenda for Europe, the first of the seven flagship initiatives under the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.