UK after the EU referendum
What comes next after UK's decision for leaving the EU?
In this Dossier we present different views and opinions about the next day in EU and UK affairs.

Fresh UK PM May let EU leaders wait and appoints Boris as foreign minister…
Straight after her confirmation as Britain’s new Prime Minister, Theresa May showed her EU colleagues that the rumours that she is going her own way are right.

Leaving the EU gives Britain the freedom to thrive
Britain’s decision to leave the EU was received with surprise around the world. It shouldn’t have been. We have the fifth largest economy in the world

Brexit and Eastern Europe: Politics and consequences
Brexit has consequences on Eastern European countries, and the truth is there is more peril than opportunity in this crisis

Brexit and the e-commerce market in Europe
The UK is currently the most mature e-commerce market in Europe and a front-runner in the digital economy

The day after the night before: Brexit!
On issues big and small, the EU needs to re-build itself from top to bottom. 20 years ago I published “L’Europe à contresens”.

The fundamental flaws of Brexit backers
By: EBR | Monday, June 27, 2016
By now, it has become clear that the heated confrontation in Britain over the issue of Brexit has very little to do with the actual arguments, especially among those who want the UK to leave the European Union when the country votes on the question in a referendum in June.