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 Communicating science is one of the main goals of Starmus and Leonov underlines how important it is for children at a very early age to gain at least the basic knowledge about space.

Exclusive interview with Aleksei Leonov, the first man to walk in space

By: EBR | Wednesday, May 17, 2017

EBR had the honour of interviewing, on May 11 in Brussels, the heroic cosmonaut, former Commander of the Soviet Union’s space missions and an exceptional self-taught artist Aleksei Leonov during the special launch event of Starmus IV** festival

I asked Donald Trump, if he becomes the next president of America, what are his plans during his first 100 days in office. This is his answer: “Appoint judges who will uphold our Constitution – this is so important”

Third debate not important anymore?

By: EBR | Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The final presidential debate of 2016 is one day away, and the Trump campaign seems more excited than ever

The proposed Regulation aims to provide more opportunities to customers: it addresses the problem of customers not being able to buy products and services from traders located in a different Member State, or being discriminated in accessing the best prices or sales conditions compared to nationals or residents.

EBR interviews Vice-President Ansip

By: EBR | Friday, September 16, 2016

Digital Single Market: "Across the EU online sales are growing by 22% per year!"

Ecommerce Europe recognises that the proposal for a parcel delivery regulation has the potential to help creating a level playing field for competing postal-, courier- and express operators and thereby in the end for online merchants in the European Union (EU).

Marlene ten Ham: ‘The e-commerce sector is booming and needs a policy framework that fits the future’.

By: N. Peter Kramer | Friday, September 16, 2016

Ecommerce Europe is the association representing 25,000+ companies selling goods and/or services online to consumers in Europe. European Business Review had an exclusive interview with the Secretary General of the association, Mrs Marlene ten Ham

He especially objected the US paying so much of the NATO bill, saying that the allies should “pay up or get out”; he refuses to see the US as the “world’s policeman”.  In a town hall meeting in Wisconsin Trump said: “maybe NATO will dissolve and that’s OK for me, not at all the worst thing in the world.”

Donald Trump, an exclusive interview!

By: EBR | Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Donald Trump is convinced that the Republican National Convention (July 18-21, in Cleveland Oio) will choose him as their Presidential candidate

The demand by Alexander Zakharchenko, who has been leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic since August is a "clear cut" message for Brussels: "I would say to the EU – let`s start talking, let`s start a dialogue.

Leader of Ukrainian breakaway republic calls on EU to "do everything possible" to prevent further escalation

By: EBR | Monday, May 18, 2015

An exclusive interview with Alexander Zakharchenko by Martin Banks.

Brussels Commissioner Alain Hutchinson (left) with President of the Brussels Region Rudy Vervoort

Brussels is complicated, but the EU institutions too

By: N. Peter Kramer | Monday, April 27, 2015

An interview with Mr. Alain Hutchinson, Brussels Commissioner for Europe.

Peter Kramer, Editor in Chief for EBR, is being interviewed over the Greek national elctions.

Germany shows an immoral attitude towards Greece’s problems

By: EBR | Friday, January 23, 2015

Dutch political journalist Hans Kriek interviews N. Peter Kramer, editor-in-chief of European Business Review, and president of the Press Club Brussels-Europe, on the possible political and economic implications if Greece’s far left party SYRIZA, led by Alexis Tsipras, wins the election.

Our role initially was to build capabilities and develop strategy that served multiple brands in multiple regions.

Developing a global digital strategy

By: EBR | Monday, December 15, 2014

"What I saw was that we had hundreds of different websites and digital platforms that we were operating upon globally. If you want to get a message across globally on your owned assets, you need to do that in the same way across the world.".

"As I see it, the wish for a European-Chinese Partnership is mutual. Both partners are longing for a better cooperation. However, for Europe, foreign policy is both, about values and interests. This is what makes the functioning of the EU-China partnership at times ineffective and reciprocally provoking."

Ingeborg Graessle: Chinese Economic Power an Opportunity for Europe

By: EBR | Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A senior member of the European Parliament´s China Delegation says that growing Chinese economic power is "first and foremost" an opportunity for the Chinese people and also for Europe.

Idrissov, a former Kazakhstan ambassador to the US and UK, added, "Instead, I am optimistic that with the right level of assistance from its friends and neighbours and through the creation of a peaceful environment in its immediate neighbourhood, Afghanistan can overcome its historical isolation and take its rightful place in the “heart of Asia”.

Top Kazak official moves to counter "pessimistic" scenario of Afghanistan after troop pull-out

By: EBR | Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kazakhstan´s foreign minister has warned of "risks, threats and challenges" after the withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan next year.

God bless the crisis. Thanks to it we had the chance to rent cheap offices and institutions started looking for out-of-the-box ideas. We managed to be at the right place at the right time.

ThinkYoung: a unique success story in times of crisis

By: N. Peter Kramer | Thursday, January 5, 2012

Being welcomed in the headquarters of ThinkYoung is a great experience. Young people concentrated on their laptops, in an office that faces the megalomane megalith buildings of the European Parliament, Place Luxembourg Brussels;

The Union is an administrative system.  You see, I write books, texts. My tool is language. It′s from that perspective that I perceive the world. The Union is not a total reality; there is no ′Union language′. That′s a first issue.

Andrzej Stasiuk′s European lesson

By: Presseurop | Monday, December 26, 2011

Why do the Germans and the Poles have a hard time getting along? How does one recognise a Pole? Is there a way to help Germany better "dominate" the EU? A hard to pigeon-hole Polish writer provides some leads. Excerpts.

The mission of the European American Chamber of Commerce is to provide its members with timely and relevant information, resources and support on matters affecting business activities between Europe and the U.S.

European American Chamber of Commerce: bridge for business between Europe and the US

By: N. Peter Kramer | Tuesday, June 7, 2011

European Business Review had the honour of an exclusive interview with Ms. Yvonne Bendinger-Rothschild, Executive Director of the European American Chamber of Commerce in New York.

"Our ability to engage with international companies, select the most promising ones to present in front of our investor community, and train their CEOs so they have a convincing pitch and investor presentation, make it extremely attractive for our investor community to come to our events and cherry pick, as they know we are doing the bulk of the preparation work for them. Then, it′s up to them to decide if the companies are a good fit for their portfolio."

Linking U.S. investment to global innovation

By: N. Peter Kramer | Friday, May 13, 2011

New York City is the dynamic heart of the investor’s world. In this global center, Worldwide Investor Network (WIN) has a special position. European Business Review had the opportunity to ask Mr. Eyal Bino, managing partner of WIN, questions about his company and its position in the market.

Structural reforms can help Greece become more competitive, which is key to restoring growth, creating new jobs, and improving incomes. At the same time, reforms that reduce fiscal imbalances will also bring down interest rates and reduce the pressure on public services and tax rates.

Poul Thomsen: Greek Economy at a Crossroads

By: EBR | Saturday, December 18, 2010

The IMF’s Executive Board approved December 17 the disbursement of about €2.5 billion to Greece. In this interview, Mr. Poul Thomsen, head of the IMF’s team in Greece, discusses the challenges involved in restoring the overall health and competitiveness of the Greek economy.

“We are privileged to play a role in bridging cultural and economic exchanges with direct flights between Taiwan and Mainland China”

Interview with Mr. Steve Lin, Chairman, EVA Airways

By: N. Peter Kramer | Thursday, October 21, 2010

EBR had the honour to have an exclusive interview with Mr. Steve Lin, Chairman of EVA Airways, the leading Taiwanese airline, about his company, the environment, the airline industry and –of course – about the role direct flights play in the Cross Strait relations.

Entrepreneurship requires an enabling environment, including low rates of tax on capital gains, supportive stock markets, and policy initiatives to support enterprise and small businesses.

Sir Ronald Cohen: The State of Entrepreneurship in Europe - An Investor′s View

By: EBR | Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sir Ronald Cohen has been working to promote entrepreneurship in Europe. As one of the founders of Apax Partners, the leading European-based global private equity firm, Cohen was one of the continent's first private-equity investors. Here are his views on Entrepreneurship in Europe.

′It is the Belgian Presidency′s desire to implement both the letter and the spirit of the new treaty and to facilitate the smooth running of the institutions.′

Yves Leterme: Time to get Europe moving again

By: EBR | Friday, July 2, 2010

The great challenge for the European Union is to revive growth, restore financial and economic stability and re-establish budgetary discipline, says Yves Leterme, Prime Minister of Belgium. His country holds the Presidency of the EU Council during the second half of 2010.

Export-oriented service industry is a crucial part of the Taiwan’s economic development in the past several decades. In the past, the strategies to access our major markets are import-substitution and export-oriented. In recent years, mainland China has become our major base for product manufacture.

Cross-Strait relations are the lifeline of Taiwan’s survival and development

By: Christos Trikoukis | Thursday, May 27, 2010

In this interview with EBR, the President of TAITRA describes the external trades’ Status Quo, talks about the bilateral economic and legal relations with mainland China and explains how his country deals with critical issues such us labor opportunities, climate change and decreasing birthrate.

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EU Actually

The autocracy of the European Commission presidency

N. Peter KramerBy: N. Peter Kramer

Now Ursula von der Leyen has cemented her second term as President of the European Commission, it is up to her and nobody else to distribute the commissioner’s portfolios

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Hungary stripped of EU meeting over Ukraine stance

Hungary stripped of EU meeting over Ukraine stance

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borell, has stripped Hungary of the right to host the next meeting of foreign and defence ministers over its stance on the war in Ukraine


Family businesses might come to dominate the business world

Family businesses might come to dominate the business world

In the ever-evolving economic landscape, family businesses may often be seen as standing as unassuming beacons of resilience and endurance


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