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The ENISA Management Board Members exchanged views on the direction the Agency should follow in some key areas of its work, guided also by the resolve of EU Heads of State and Ministers to strengthen Europe’s security and cybersecurity in the wake of the aggression against Ukraine.

EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) inaugurated its new premises in Athens, Greece

By: EBR | Thursday, March 17, 2022

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), today inaugurated its new premises with representatives from the cyber agencies of all EU Member States, immediately making use of the new facilities to launch a strategic discussion around the Agency’s current work in its Management Board



By: EBR | Thursday, March 17, 2022


Posidonia is organised under the auspices of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, the Union of Greek Shipowners and the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping and with the support of the Municipality of Piraeus and the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee.

Posidonia 2022 To Chart New Course For Global Shipping Reset

By: EBR | Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Posidonia 2022 will be held this summer from June 6-10, with the 27th edition of the world’s most prestigious shipping event gearing up to welcome the international maritime community back to its Athens Metropolitan Expo venue

It is with great joy that the Acropolis Museum received ten fragments of the sculptural decoration of the Parthenon, which were granted by the National Archaeological Museum

New fragments from the Parthenon at the Acropolis Museum

By: EBR | Monday, January 3, 2022

The receival of the ten fragments from the National Archaeological Museum to the Acropolis Museum took place in an official ceremony in the emblematic Parthenon Gallery, presence of the Prime Minister

 Taiwan government plays a significant role in providing humanitarian assistance to people displaced by war in the Middle East and that can be proved by the key role the country plays in relevant big events.

“Give Taiwan A Voice” Campaign

By: EBR | Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Taiwan calls you to "send a wish lantern to show your support" as part of a campaign in New York city for UN bid, named as "Give Taiwan A Voice"

The European contribution to the preservation of the Greek national heritage is illustrated by the founding of archaeological institutes, such as the French School of Athens in 1846, which revolutionized knowledge of the material past of Greece. This exhibition is a first attempt to cross reference the history of archaeology with the development of the Greek state and of modern art.

Paris - Athens The Birth of Modern Greece, 1675-1919

By: EBR | Wednesday, September 8, 2021

From 30 September 2021 to 7 February 2022

In this presentation, visitors will discuss with the Museum’s archaeologists about the Persian wars and their significance for the western world

The 12th birthday of the Acropolis Museum

By: EBR | Tuesday, June 15, 2021

On Sunday 20 June 2021 the Acropolis Museum celebrates its twelfth anniversary

For her new position as the Artistic Director of EMST, Katerina Gregos said: "After working 15 years abroad, it is a great honor for me to take over this position and to have the opportunity to offer to my country through the development of the most important institution of contemporary art ".

Katerina Gregos: The new Artistic Director of EMST

By: EBR | Friday, May 14, 2021

The Greek-born internationally recognized curator, art historian and educator will take up her post as Artistic Director of the National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens (EMST), on July 1st this year, marking a new era for the museum

FORUM was completed with the presentations of representatives of strategic ports of NAVIGATOR’s network of Towing Companies & Agencies worldwide.


By: EBR | Tuesday, April 27, 2021

In the context of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS (a robust network of Towing companies and Shipping agencies worldwide), 20th Navigator – The Shipping Decision Makers Forum was organized with great success  

International Organizations will honour us with their participation commenting on issues of Maritime and Economic Affairs, as well as on the outcome of the closed discussions.


By: EBR | Thursday, April 15, 2021

19TH APRIL 2021 / 16.00-20.00 hrs

The event will start at 13:00 CET and can be followed online.

Online event about COVID-19 vaccines

By: EBR | Friday, December 11, 2020

Learn about how COVID-19 vaccines are approved in the EU in online event with experts from the European Medicines Agency

The Special Annual Meeting 2021 in Singapore will be the first global leadership event to address worldwide recovery from the pandemic.

World Economic Forum Special Meeting 2021 in Singapore

By: EBR | Monday, December 7, 2020

The World Economic Forum will convene the Special Annual Meeting 2021 in Singapore from 13-16 May

"Posidonia is organised under the auspices of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping and the Union of Greek Shipowners and with the support of the Municipality of Piraeus and the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee."

Posidonia Web Forums Week Breaks The Mould

By: EBR | Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Decarbonisation debate dominates online conference series attended by thousands

Three phrases that can be highlighted from the Forum are:  "Life is a journey and career is a marathon" - "May you be possessed by the pessimism of the logic and the optimism of the will"! "It does not matter to move slow or fast, but to move forward."

YES to Shipping Forum 2020 – the open dialogue among the young generation

By: EBR | Tuesday, November 3, 2020

YES to Shipping Forum 2020 – the open dialogue among the young generation and the spectrum of greek maritime cluster was the winner of a 3hour marathon

YES to Shipping Forum 2020 will be part of Posidonia Web Forums Week through YES FORUM Facebook page  on Thursday 29th October 2020, from 18.00 to 21.00 hrs, in Greek language.

YES to Shipping Forum 2020

By: EBR | Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Young generation of shipping in an open dialogue with representatives from the whole spectrum of Greek shipping cluster

The next generation of the Greek Shipping Industry will receive questions from the distinguished speakers that will be invited!

YES to Shipping Forum 2020 will be part of Posidonia Web Forums Week

By: EBR | Thursday, October 15, 2020

YES to Shipping Forum 2020 will be held on Thursday 29th October 2020, from 18.00 to 21.00 hrs through YES FORUM Facebook page

“We are delighted that Posidonia Web Forums Week will be taking place in October with a programme of exciting web events hosted by our partner organisations TradeWinds, Lloyd’s List, Seatrade Maritime, YES Forum and MariMatch”.

POSIDONIA web forums week announced

By: EBR | Thursday, September 10, 2020

Key industry media to host a programme of web events/ 26-30 October 2020

The dialogue was moderated by the Concept Founder of YES Forum and CEO of Navigator Shipping Consultants Ltd., Mrs. Danae Bezantakou.

YES Forum: the 10th online open dialogue completed

By: EBR | Monday, August 3, 2020

These online discussions are definitely here to stay, therefore the next discussion will take place again from September 2020.

The second version, as a live-art performance with the actors on site, is presented in its natural space, in the museum’s building, as one of the first events after its reopening.

“No man is an island entire of itself” at the National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens (EMST)

By: EBR | Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Five rooms | A wander on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 July

However, due to the pandemic spread of the new corona virus, beginning early in the first six-month period of 2020, visitor numbers began to decline significantly, ultimately reaching zero when the Museum was forced to close for the health and safety of our staff and visitors on 14 March 2020.

Ten years of the Acropolis Museum

By: EBR | Friday, June 19, 2020

On 20 June 2019, we celebrated our ten-year anniversary at the Acropolis Museum

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EU Actually

EU gas reserves below 50%!

N. Peter KramerBy: N. Peter Kramer

Gas reserves in the EU have fallen below 50%

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Suspend Hungary’s Voting Rights to Save the EU’s Credibility

Suspend Hungary’s Voting Rights to Save the EU’s Credibility

Hungary’s attempts to paralyze EU foreign policy through vetoes and blackmail continue. By failing to make Budapest pay, Brussels is normalizing such behavior and inviting further disruption


Female empowerment in the workplace, it’s more than equality, it’s leadership

Female empowerment in the workplace, it’s more than equality, it’s leadership

Europe’s rules for improving gender balance in the hierarchy of listed companies are paying dividends


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