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19th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum

An International Summit On Greece in New York Featuring Top US Investors, Global Investment Banks & Institutions, the Greek Government & Business Leaders

By: EBR - Posted: Thursday, November 23, 2017

The conference will feature the developments and reforms in the Greek economy and the Greek government programme for the economy and investments. Also, the latest trends in the capital markets and specific sectors  with topics such as Government and Corporate Bonds, energy, infrastructure development, real estate, tourism, banking, non-performing loans management, and global shipping.
The conference will feature the developments and reforms in the Greek economy and the Greek government programme for the economy and investments. Also, the latest trends in the capital markets and specific sectors with topics such as Government and Corporate Bonds, energy, infrastructure development, real estate, tourism, banking, non-performing loans management, and global shipping.

The 19th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum will take place at the Metropolitan Club in New York City on Monday, December 11, 2017. This is an International Summit about Greece in New York organized in cooperation with the New York Stock Exchange and major global investment banks. The Forum will feature government and business leaders from Greece, Europe and the United States, and top executives from the investment, financial and business communities. The timing for this Forum is optimal. After years of recession, Greece is slowly returning to a period of economic growth and aims to position itself as an attractive investment and business destination.  
This Forum will provide the audience with a unique blend of informational, marketing and networking opportunities. December mark’s the 19 year milestone of Capital Link’s commitment to raising awareness about Greece as an investment destination, to a wider investor universe. 
The conference will feature the developments and reforms in the Greek economy and the Greek government programme for the economy and investments. Also, the latest trends in the capital markets and specific sectors  with topics such as Government and Corporate Bonds, energy, infrastructure development, real estate, tourism, banking, non-performing loans management, and global shipping.
The Ambassador of Greece to the USA, Hon. Haris Lalacos will provide opening remarks for the Forum.
The Ambassador of the United States in Greece, Hon. Geoffrey R. Pyatt will provide his remarks on “Energy & Geopolitics: The New Landscape”.

The Forum will feature this year:

H.E. Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic who will send the Government's message to the international investor Community via webcast

Five Greek Government Officials:

Hon. Euclid Tsakalotos, Minister of Finance, Hellenic Republic, who is the Luncheon Keynote Speaker
Hon. Dimitris Papadimitriou, Minister of Economy & Development, Hellenic Republic
Hon. Elena Kountoura, Minister of Tourism, Hellenic Republic
Mr. George Tziallas, Secretary General for Tourism Policy and Development, Ministry of Tourism
Mr. George Pitsilis, Governor, Independent Authority for Public Revenue, Hellenic Republic
They will discuss the developments and outlook of the Greek Economy and business and investment opportunities in the country.

Six Global Investment Banks  

Citi, BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, UBS, and the Greek Investment Bank Axia Ventures Group Ltd.

Four Greek Systemic Banks: 

National Bank of Greece - Mr. Leonidas Fragkiadakis, CEO
Piraeus Bank - Mr. Christos Megalou, CEO
Alpha Bank - Mr. Vassilios Psaltis, General Manager and CFO
Alpha Bank - Mr. Theodoros Athanassopoulos, Executive General Manager Non Performing Loans Wholesale Banking
Eurobank Ergasias SA - Mr. Nikolaos Karamouzis, Chairman & Chairman of Hellenic Bank Association
National Bank of Greece - Mr. Vasilios Kotsiras, Head of Funding Solution & Structure Finance
Piraeus Bank - Mr. George Georgakopoulos, Executive General Manager, Non-Core Business & Restructuring Portfolio

Senior Representatives From Greek, European & International Organizations:

Mr. Declan Costello, Mission Chief for Greece, European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
Mr. Nicola Giammarioli, Head of Strategy and Institutional Relations, European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
Mr. Francesco Drudi, Principal Adviser, European Central Bank
Mr. Ioannis Kaltsas, Head of Division, European Investment Bank
Ms. Sabina Dziurman, Director, Greece & Cyprus, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Dr. Martin Czurda, CEO, Hellenic Financial Stability Fund
Mrs. Rania Ekaterinari, CEO, Hellenic Corporation of Assets & Participations SA

International Investors:

Calamos Investments - Mr. John Koudounis, CEO
Invesco, WL Ross & Co. - Mr. Stephen Johnson, Managing Director
Waterwheel Capital Management - Mr. John Wollen, Founder, Portfolio Manager
Hayman Capital Management - Mr. J. Kyle Bass, Chief Investment Officer
Amerra Capital – Mr. Thor Talseth, Managing Director

Corporate CEOs from Greece and the United States

Other Participating  Companies & Organizations:

Allen & Overy LLP • A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm • Alpha Bank • Amerra Capital • Apollo Management International LLP • Astir Palace Vouliagmenis • Danaos Corporation • Eldorado Gold Corporation • Enterprise Greece • Eurobank Ergasias SA • Euroseas • EY • First Athens Corporate Finance • Fitch Ratings Inc. • Greek National Tourism Organization • Grivalia Properties • Hellenic Bank Association • Hellenic Corporation of Assets & Participations SA • Hellenic Financial Stability Fund • Hellenic Petroleum SA • Intralot  • Lambadarios Law Firm  • Lamda Development • Levant Partners • Libra Group • Marriott International Inc. • McKinsey & Company • Moody’s Investor Service  •  Mytilineos Holdings SA • National Bank of Greece  • NBG Pangaea REIC • Noble Energy • Oliver Wyman • ONEX Technologies, Inc. • Opap • OTE Group of Companies • Papastratos • Philip Morris International • Piraeus Bank • Public Debt Management Agency of the Hellenic Republic • Public Power Corporation SA (PPC) • Reed Smith • Seaspan Corporation • Shearman & Sterling (London) LLP • Star Bulk Carriers • Tsakos Energy Navigation • Tellurian, Inc. • Watson Farley & Williams • Zepos & Yannopoulos
Global Shipping Companies:

Danaos Corporation, Euroseas, Seaspan Corporation, Star Bulk Carriers, Tsakos Energy Navigation


As in previous years, the Forum will provide delegates with unique networking opportunities through one-to-one meetings with listed and unlisted companies, as well as, with members of the Greek government delegation.


The "2017 Hellenic Capital Link Leadership Award" will be presented to Mr. Andre Calantzopoulos, CEO – Philip Morris International for his outstanding contribution to Greece, during an official dinner at The Harvard Club, on Monday, December 11, 2017.

For the dinner Keynote Speaker will be Mr. Jonathan R. Cohen, Deputy Assistant Secretary European and Eurasian Affairs U.S. Department of State.

Honored Guests: 

Hon. Euclid Tsakalotos, Minister of Finance, Hellenic Republic 
Hon. Dimitris Papadimitriou, Minister of Economy & Development, Hellenic Republic
Hon. Elena Kountoura, Minister of Tourism, Hellenic Republic
Mr. George Tziallas, Secretary General for Tourism Policy and Development, Ministry of Tourism
Mr. George Pitsilis, Governor, Independent Authority for Public Revenue, Hellenic Republic


Within the context of the 19th Annual International Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum, the New York Stock Exchange will organize in cooperation with Capital Link a special celebration of “Greek Day at NYSE”, on Tuesday December 12, 2017.  Minister of Finance Hon. Euclid Tsakalotos and the Greek Delegation, Greek companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and companies which participated in the Forum, will ring the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange, an event of unique visibility throughout the world. The event will be broadcast live on major news stations in the United States and abroad to an audience of millions of viewers worldwide.

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