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Visiting the MCA visitors are being offered a comprehensive view of the Cycladic and ancient Greek civilization. Leaving aside a strictly scientific exhibition method a visitor will enjoy a short tour on scenes of daily life in antiquity.

"My love for Art: Natura" states the Director of the Museum of Cycladic Art

By: EBR | Friday, July 20, 2018

Mr. Nikos Stampolidis, Professor and Director of MCA in an exclusive interview

It is a Museum that despite its history makes a new start in its new building and it makes its steps for a more extrovert international direction. It is very “attractive” to follow these steps and observe an institution unveiling its core, its collection in its new permanent space although it has a history behind it. In addition, contemporary art is always interesting and the audiences that choose to discover it are increasing, this is my feeling from our Museum and all the other Museums and contemporary spaces I visit abroad.

EMST: the Chandelier of contemporary art and modernism

By: EBR | Friday, July 20, 2018

Exclusive Interview with the Director of the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Athens

There is a relatively stable number of visitors each year which shows trust in our choices. If I had to mention specifics, on the whole there have been a stable number of visitors across all of our exhibitions, but an increased influx has been noted for the more widely known artists.

Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Andros

By: EBR | Friday, July 20, 2018

The blue cultural germ of the Aegean - Exclusive Interview with the Director of the MOCA, Dr. Kiriakos Koutsomallis

In our opinion, as long as the European Commission started and set a horizon this summer to launch formal negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, we will have to deliver the promise we made.

Greek FM: Europe must keep its word to North Macedonia and Albania

By: EBR | Monday, June 25, 2018

EXCLUSIVE / EU capitals should keep their word and open accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania at the 28-29 June summit, Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Kotzias told EURACTIV.com in a wide-ranging interview

Arab-Greek relations, whether on an official or peoples’ level, are considered exemplary in every way and the reason is that this relation has its roots deep into history and throughout this history there were many positive encounters. Lately, we are witnessing interest a growing flow of Arab investment to Greece. Equally, there is increase in the trade balance between the two sides. However, Greek companies should take the major credit as they have managed, in spite of the crisis, to be resilient and penetrate new markets in the Arab world and successfully created a competitive edge for their products.

Arab-Hellenic Chamber: Greece will always maintain its position in the Arab world

By: EBR | Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The vital role of Greece in strengthening the business and economic relations with the Arab world highlighted the President of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce & Development, Harris Geronikolas, in an exclusive interview at EBR

That was done by doing big campaigns in the affected countries. And what was amazing is when those campaigns were held, people would stand in line in temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius, or hotter, for hours, to be sure that they and their family members got vaccines against epidemic meningitis because every one of those communities had been affected by meningitis. Every one of those families, every one of those parents knew how important it was to get this protection.

Q&A: What would happen in a world without vaccines?

By: EBR | Wednesday, April 25, 2018

One of the things that vaccines make possible is the eradication of disease

So I think the U.S.-European relationship will remain very important. It’s also one of the reasons that the U.S. relationship with Greece is so important, because it is understood in Washington that we can’t have a prosperous Europe without a prosperous Greece. That is to say, the U.S. interest in a strong European Union, the U.S. interest in a stable and prosperous Eurozone cannot be achieved if Greece is somehow left behind. So that’s the reason we’ve invested as much energy and time as we have over the past eight years, in helping Greece to grow itself out of this economic crisis and to accomplish the reforms that are necessary in order to move forward.

Breakfast with the U.S. Ambassador in Athens, Mr. Geoffrey R. Pyatt

By: Athanase Papandropoulos | Friday, December 22, 2017

The U.S., the strong U.S.- European relationship, our transatlantic alliance through NATO, the most successful military alliance in the history of the world, is key to everything else that the United States seeks to achieve globally in terms of building a safe, prosperous and democratic world

I have noticed an increased interest by Spanish companies to invest in Greece lately, particularly in renewable energy, real estate and tourism. Those companies are trying to divert their exposure to the Spanish market and are looking at countries with similar characteristics.

Enrique Viguera: This is the right moment to invest in Greece

By: EBR | Friday, December 22, 2017

In an exclusive interview at EBR, H.E. the Ambassador of Spain in Greece, Mr. Enrique Viguera Rubio, expressed his optimism about the current economic developments in Greece, highlighting the need to attract more investments in a wide range of strategic sectors, such as renewable energy and tourism

But how you can mitigate the risks of such a mission? The Rosetta team always had a huge number of back-up plans: ‘We found the comet in August 2014 and then we started doing these strange pyramid-like orbits to see how the spacecraft would behave depending on the gravity and activity of the body and in September there was around four parallel plans depending on what we would find!

Interview with the Rosetta Project Scientist Matt Taylor: ‘there’s nothing that runs close to having all the ingredients that Rosetta has’

By: EBR | Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Rosetta, the first spacecraft to successfully rendezvous with a comet concluded its mission on 30 September 2016

Media and entertainment industry are strongly associated with market disruptions and technological advancement. TV and the film industry can prove to be environments that spark creativity and  inspiration for many young people. Greeks are an active, educated, English-fluent population with a proven track of skills in the arts and technology. It is hard to find a prestigious university in the world that does not employ someone speaking Greek. There are thousands of talented graduates in the area of information and communication technology who could easily deliver the most demanding Hollywood post-production projects.

Lefteris Kretsos: ‘Greece is preparing to enter the Global Movie Business in 2018’

By: EBR | Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Lefteris Kretsos, General Secretary for Media and Communication - Athens, in an exclusive interview for the audiovisual and filming industry in Greece, new initiatives and challenges

Sketch by Dimitris Georgopalis

Political humor through the eyes of renowned Greek cartoonists

By: EBR | Monday, September 25, 2017

The first decade of the 21st century was a transition period for the journalist profession

Interview with Ursula Mathar, VP BMW Group

By: EBR | Friday, August 18, 2017

Climate Action caught up with Ursula Mathar, VP BMW Group ahead of the Sustainable Innovation Forum, organised in official partnership with UN Environment alongside COP23 in Bonn on 13-14 November 2017

Many companies and investors came out of the 2015 Paris climate talks with renewed vigor in those efforts, yet today we face additional challenges. The president’s decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement significantly reduces the world’s chances of stemming the effects of climate change. It is more important than ever to ensure that investors continue to advocate for corporate sustainability reporting because if we cannot measure it, then we cannot engage. By encouraging the adoption of voluntary standards under the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, corporations will be able to measure their use of carbon and overall sustainability. This will provide investment funds, including CalPERS and CalSTRS, with an important tool to identify corporations lacking a reasonable sustainability plan that addresses long-term risks.

Interview with California State Controller Betty T. Yee

By: EBR | Friday, July 28, 2017

Climate Action caught up with California State Controller Betty T. Yee on scaling up low carbon investment and her participation in the Sustainable Investment Forum

Nikos Pappas: ”We should show our partners and ourselves and send a message to society that we will not repeat these mistakes.”

Greek minister: With progressive federalism EU will regain citizens’ trust

By: EBR | Wednesday, July 26, 2017

In order for Europe to address the current governance issue and convince citizens that it works in their interest it should turn to a left-wing progressive federalist model, Nikos Pappas told EURACTIV.com in an interview

A new world has been emerging in the last 3 or 4 years. First of all, more and more pension funds are realising that at some point, their fiduciary duty requires their taking stock of climate change. If climate change is a risk, how can you justify not paying attention to that risk? You could be brought to court by a contributor that will realise some day that you knew there was a risk and you did nothing to mitigate it. Three years ago, the Risky Business Report clearly stated that climate change was a risk for business.

Interview with Philippe Desfossés, CEO of ERAFP and Vice Chair of IIGCC

By: EBR | Thursday, July 6, 2017

Climate Action caught up with Philippe Desfossés, Chief Executive Officer of ERAFP and Vice Chair of IIGCC, on scaling up low carbon investment and his participation in the Sustainable Investment Forum

”In many countries, what makes personal pensions products attractive are the tax incentives the state provides. What we will recommend is to provide the same tax incentives the member states are offering to the national pensions products, to ensure that users also have tax benefits when they invest in it.  We hope that the proposal helps us to achieve our double aim of providing an investment product, so people can save for their pensions, and put those savings to a productive use by providing an additional source of financing for the real economy.”

Dombrovskis: ‘There is appetite for a pan-European pensions product’

By: EBR | Thursday, June 29, 2017

The European Commission will propose a new pan-European personal pension today (29 June)

South – East Mediterranean region is a very important strategic partner for the United States. There are a number of military installations in places like Greece, such as Souda Bay in Crete and others, but I think as every new situation with new administration, people wait to see what will happen. Anyway, it is been noted that the current President of the United States does not have potentially very positive views of the European Union as a whole but we will have to see what his policies are dictating. Generally, United States and Europe are very close allies and I hope that this will continue.

Concordia Europe Summit: Building a culture of leadership

By: EBR | Tuesday, June 6, 2017

On the occasion of the CONCORDIA EUROPE SUMMIT taking place in Athens, Greece on June 6-7 2017, the European Business Review had the chance to speak with Mr. Nicholas Logothetis, Executive Board Member at the Libra Group and Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board of Concordia

In his keynote speech before EU policymakers and businessmen, Soros agreed with the bloc’s leadership that the project is in the midst of an “existential crisis”. “Most Europeans of my generation were supporters of further integration. Subsequent generations came to regard the EU as an enemy that deprives them of a secure and promising future,” he lamented. After listing the challenges the European Union faces, both internally and externally, Soros claimed that the EU needs to be “radically reinvented”. Although he insisted that the EU fundamental law is “outdated”, Soros agreed with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble in saying that a treaty change now is “impossible”, and could materialise “only in the distant future”. “The process of disintegration has lasted a decade. It may take another decade to rebuild trust and reestablish a willingness to cooperate,” he predicted.

Soros: Britain could reunite with the EU before the divorce is completed

By: EBR | Thursday, June 1, 2017

Investor and philanthropist George Soros said today (1 June) that the EU should use Brexit as a “catalyst for introducing far-reaching reforms”, transforming itself into an organisation that Britain will want to rejoin before the divorce is completed

There are some policies that need to be pushed forward at the national level. It is not a matter for the Commission. Especially social policies. The Commission has other issues to deal with: think infrastructure, security, defence. That is where the common power comes from.

Tata CEO: Europe should unleash the Jugaad mindset

By: EBR | Monday, May 29, 2017

To manage change and transform economies, affluent countries need to experiment fast and roll out new models that enable them to grow in a more innovative way, Amit Bajaj stated, stressing the need for social innovation

All growth in transport is to be covered by public transport, walking or bicycling, and these transport modes get priority over the car. In 2016, for the first time, more daily trips were made by public transport than by private cars. To be able to accommodate the increased volume of passengers Oslo is planning a new metro tunnel, a new tramline and increased capacity on existing lines. How we finance public transport infrastructure in Oslo is worth mentioning as a large proportion is financed through the toll ring charges.

Interview with Raymond Johansen, Governing Mayor of Oslo

By: EBR | Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Climate Action caught up with Raymond Johansen, Governing Mayor of Oslo, Norway, on scaling up low carbon investment and his participation in the Sustainable Investment Forum 2017

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The autocracy of the European Commission presidency

N. Peter KramerBy: N. Peter Kramer

Now Ursula von der Leyen has cemented her second term as President of the European Commission, it is up to her and nobody else to distribute the commissioner’s portfolios

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